Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Watercolor Studio

I am sorry I have not been able to be a part of the exhibit at the Capitol and Gallerie 13 this year. I miss seeing everyone! We have such a wonderful group. Hubby and I have been busy with our move to our forever home and my studio is almost ready to go. This is the only time it will be so clean and uncluttered. The picture shows the great natural lighting peeking through. I still have to get the curtains up and the artwork framed and on the walls but I am getting there. Have a wonderful reception tomorrow night!

First Christmas Card Design of 2011

Trout Wreath card
Trout Wreath by thomglace
Shop for cards at zazzle

Only 6 Months to go!!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Morning Rooster" Oil Painting by Charlotte Yealey

I love painting roosters! It reminds me when I was young and still lived on our farm.
Even though they woke me up at the crack of dawn, the rooster is a beautiful bird.

Watercolor Kitties by Kathy Michels

I have been having so much fun as we continue unpacking and sorting through stuff. I just ran across these little paintings that have been packed away. When I first began dabbling in watercolors I did all these little face studies of the kitties. It is so fun looking back and seeing where you were and how far you have come. I enjoy seeing the works of new artists and watching them as they learn and grow. Each painting I do is a learning and growing experience. The excitement is always there. I think that is why so many of us have such a passion for art.

"Three Shy Apples" by Taryn Day

oil on panel

Yesterday I finished an intensely detailed still life, which I won't post because I find it insufferably dull.  Today I decided to keep it loose, and I had a good time painting again.  I'm resisting the urge to clean up edges and add more detail, and that's a challenge.
To see more of my work visit:

Work in Progress - by Mary Beth Brath

Almost finished, but need an opinion. Is the reflection on the wall off to the right distracting?  I am thinking about removing it and just play up the brushwork a little.  I painted this from a photo and the flash caused the reflection on the wall.

The colors in my digital image came out a little dark and greenish.  The buffet is quarter sawn oak from the 1920's. This fall I plan to install a lighting system in my home studio which should help with my digital image problems.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Newest Abstract Painting - Linda Benton McCloskey

Here is my newest non-objective painting, "Street Smart". It's acrylic, 30 x 40 and on stretched canvas. I challenged myself to use mostly primary colors. Also, if you check my website at, you will find a new blog with lots of pictures of my most recent encaustic workshop held in York, PA last week.

Art of the State

Last Saturday was the opening reception for Art of the State.  My "Irises" painting which I have posted here before was accepted into the show, and several Daily Painters also have work represented.
The exhibit is on display at the William Penn Museum in Harrisburg  through September 11.  It is a great show with a large variety of incredible work, including some amazing paintings.  If you have a chance to go see it you will find it worth the trip, but if you are not able to make it to Harrisburg here is a link to view photos of all the artwork.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Original Plein Air Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'View from Little Round Top'
Oil on Linen Panel
8 x 10

Although today was rather overcast, it turned out
to be a wonderful day to paint.  I met up with several artists
to paint from the crest of Little Round Top on the
Gettysburg Battlefield.  From that vantage point,
there is a painting waiting to happen no matter where you
stand.  I've always liked this view through some of the
enormous boulders up there, and was rewarded to hear
quite a few tourists repeat my sentiments as they
stood on the boulders and looked out across the valley.

Of course, there were also several people who
apologized for standing in my way...then cheekily asked
if I would put them into the painting!  I said that I would do
so gladly, if they wouldn't mind standing there for a
couple of hours.... 

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:

Dollars and Sense Still Life Watercolor by Daily Painter Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental

Dollars and Sense

original watercolor still life with beach theme: 22" x 22"

and the donkey said

to the fishies and the shells

no I haven’t lost my head

but I do think I’m like, well

so much smarter than you guys

though the dollars do make cents

and the starfish lights the sky

with his one and only eye, whence

the conch’s divine design

lets us hear the ocean sighs

while those fishies on the tray

simply swim their life away

so I wonder as I wander

trotting through this beachy work

does my common horse sense

make much more cents

than the dollars

near my collar

is that fish of golden color

rich in gold, hence,

much more smarter

than myself and all the others


Watercolors by Bertie Brown - Art is Instrumental


info at: email

Logan Circle 2, 16 x 20, by Ron Donoughe

Last weekend I delivered three paintings to Gallery Plan B in Washington D.C. for the exhibition, Local Color. The show opens July 28. This is another architectural study from my series on Logan Circle. It is really fun to walk the streets and see how many great buildings have been preserved.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Preparing for New York by Daily Painter of Pennsylvania Mary Beth Brath

I have been working on my Confections Series over the past week. Way tooooo much fun.  These paintings are in various states of completion.  Almost ready to pull them together to varnish.  I am thinking about using floater frames for these.

I will be filling 3 panels that are 8x8' at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition.  It is recommended that I have 8 pieces on each panel.  The Confection Series is just 1 panel.  I will actually have more than 8 ready, but I will choose my favorites.  I hang the show on July 9th.  The reception is July 16th, just 3 days before my birthday.

Another panel will show a selection of my landscapes.  The 3rd panel is coming along, but I will post about that in the coming week.

What a month - plein air painting like mad and now locked in my studio doing still life.

Cherries Again by Phillip Krivenko

It’s amazing what you can paint using very few brush strokes. During the past nine years of teaching classes, I have developed a quick painterly stroke due to helping my students. During face-time with each student,  I would apply quick general strokes to demonstrate values and color. I did not know at the time,   it would develop as part of my style.  Thank you, to all who attended my art classes. 
Looking forward to meeting our members on July 1st.

Friday, June 24, 2011

"Stawberries" By Debra Tritt Kreiger

"Strawberries" 15"x 11" Watercolor on 140lb Arches Paper

Ahhhhh! I think I'm finally done. This was an challenge, but once I start something I really like to see it to the end. The deep reds don't show really well on the computer, but I'm very pleased with the results.

To contact me about the purchase of this painting or see more of my work go to or follow my blog at or you can shop in my new store, Deb's Gifts

A View from E. Cemetery Hill by Dianne Lorden

Here is another collection of images from the recent Plein Air Paint Out, part of the Gettysburg Festival's Fringe Fest. I parked myself on what felt like the top of the world - at least my little bit of the world - and had a wonderful time trying to capture (and accentuate, really) the changing light. The barrel of the cannon in the foreground contains a blue bird nest; they were very busy building on that day!
To see more of my work, visit South Mountain Sketchbook.

Original Plein Air Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Fields of Tranquility'
Oil on Archival Panel
12 x 16

This is a painting I would call mostly plein air and part
'plein air-conditioned'.  I went back to Gettysburg the other
day to paint again in the area around Plum Run and the Trostle
Farm and got much of this painting blocked in when some
not so 'tranquil' clouds started to move in.  I decided to
pack up my gear while the weather was still friendly, and
headed home to my studio and finished the painting while
 the visuals of the area were still very prominent in my
mind and the paint was still wet. 

As with all areas of the Gettysburg Battlefield, the reality of
today is so dramatically different from those early
days in July 1863.  It is such a peaceful, almost reverent
place now, and my hope is that this painting honors
 those who perished here.

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:

Live Demo at Fly Fishing Heritage Day

'Study of a Humboldt Cutthroat Trout'
Sub Species of the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
Painted during a live demo on June18th at Allenberry Resort,
in Boiling Springs, PA. (Non-Professional Photograph).
Image Size: 9" x 4.5". Transparent Watercolor
on Crescent Mat Board.

Eye Detail

'Study of a Lahontan Cutthroat Trout'
Painted eariler this year in my Cutthroat Trout Series.

I was at one of my favorite venues this past weekend.
Fly Fishing Heritage Day at the Allenberry Resort
in Boiling Springs, on the Yellow Breeches.

A great plus is that my booth was
under a pavillion over looking the Yellow Breeches.
(No tent needed!) 


"Submerged Rose and Green Bottle" by Taryn Day

oil on board
5.5" x 6"

This painting may look quick, but it took me the better part of two days.  I often add detail, then take it out if I think it gets in the way of the main idea.  As happens too often, when I first finished the painting I felt disappointed, but a couple days later realized it's not so bad.

To see more of my work visit:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Watercolor by Kathy Michels

Hi All - I apologize for not being on here much during the last month or so. Since moving back to PA two years ago life has been very busy. Fortunately we closed on our house in Middletown and have been moving, unpacking and getting organized. It seems like it takes months to get settled in. I have a wonderful new studio that is light and bright and I can't wait to get started back painting again. I will post pictures of the studio soon. In between packing and unpacking I started working on one of my dancers. It has been a fun piece. I will be doing some dripping from the arms and feet next. These dancers have all been such a joy to do. So much energy and life. So much of that comes from watching them dance. They just love it so much.

3 new landscapes - Mark H Brown

I've been doing some plein air work in the evening, and then doing some studio pieces from those paintings.  Here are three new ones. 

The first, is similar to the last one posted, focusing on the magnificent evening sky.

16 x 24
oil on canvas

The second one is from a hazy sunset, that gave the whole sky a salmon glow.  I love the atmosphere in this one.  I also loosened up and painted this in a much more expressive manner.  I loved it!

The third painting is a pastural scene, same pink sky with the warm glow of the grass fields.  This too was also painted more loose.

ANDY SMITH, watercolors ~ Lititz, PA

"Porch Swing"
4"x 6" Miniature Original Watercolor
A Painting A Day

Jennifer VonStein - Chroma Workshop at the Gettysburg Festival by Mary Beth Brath

A huge thank you to Chroma International and Jennifer VonStein for the 2 free workshops and samples you provided at the Gettysburg Festival. Pictured here are fellow DPP members that benefited from the demonstration.  I also enjoyed trying out the new Interactive Acrylics and plan to finish the painting I started in the workshop so I can post it here on our blog.

Madeline Reilly and Amy Lindenberger sample Chroma Products during a free workshop at the Gettysburg Festival.

Jennifer VonStein teaching the Chroma workshop.

This workshop was held in the Historic Train Station that President Lincoln arrived at when he gave the Gettysburg Address.

Patricia A. Griffin "GOLDEN ARCHES" 36''x36'' oil on linen

This piece was just accepted in a show at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, Las Cruces, NM

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gettysburg Festival Artist's Colony

There have been a lot of great posts here about the Gettysburg Fringe Festival and I enjoy seeing them all.
I was also in Gettysburg this past week, but I was involved in the Artist's Colony which was separate from the Fringe paint out.  The colony was a juried group of just 10 painters who lived together and painted in the Gettysburg area for 5 days.  It was a wonderful, intense sharing which reminded me of my art school days.  The focus of the experience was not so much on producing paintings to sell, but rather to learn and grow as artists.  One of the highlights for me were the two days of workshop with Bill Schmidt.  Bill was an excellent instructor.  He had us paint on 16x20 canvases, which is much larger than I am used to for plein air work, and I also tried a lot of things that I was not necessarily comfortable with because I really wanted to get the most from the learning experience.  From the 5 days of painting I have 7 good pieces started that I can hopefully finish in my studio and post at a later time.  This painting I am posting is the only one which I felt was completed.  It was painted in a short hour long session and depicts the famous Lincoln Square in Gettysburg.  I have donated this painting to the Gettysburg Festival.  It will be auctioned in an event this fall to raise money to help continue this wonderful colony experience.

Lincoln Square
11x14 plein air oil

If you would like to see more of my work please visit my website

ANDY SMITH, watercolors ~ Lititz, PA

"Shaker Still Life #12"
5"x 5" Original miniature watercolor
A Painting A Day

Trostel Farm during Paint Out by Dianne Lorden

Sue Gray took this fun photo of Craig and I doing our respective "things" during the paint out. He really enjoys being there - sometimes to explore and see everyone's work, and sometimes to relax, hopefully in the shade. I had a lot of trouble settling into a spot on this one, and ended up getting a bit of a cannon and a bit of the barn!
My work can be seen at South Mountain Sketchbook

"Étude with Mountains" by Tatiana Myers.

Étude with Mountains.
8x10"  Oil and Alkyd on ARTStix board  .

... with busy summer I keep in my mind that practice makes perfect and do some of those smaller works, what I would like to call "Études", what is appropriate French (and Russian!) word for "Study".
Those are NOT "Daily Paintings" what are so popular our days. I'm not targeting to have one finish EVERY day. I'm not chasing an idea that I have to finish this work at one session or even at one day. ...
You can read full article on my personal blog:

With questions about paintings e-mail me at .
To see more of my works visit my web site:

"Let Me IN" Pastel painting by Charlotte Yealey

This is Debra Nell's cat who wanted in her strawbale house during our art reception this May. This kitty made lots of friends that day and was allowed in to join the party. This pastel was a welcome break from from  two oil painting commissions I have going right now.  

Monday, June 20, 2011

One-Day Painting/Drawing Give-Away, Gettysburg Festival, History Meets the Arts

I was one of the artists/galleries participating in History Meets the Arts, a part of the Gettysburg Festival. This past Saturday I had my gallery open from 10 until 8, and invited gallery visitors to watch and ask questions as I developed a small (6" x 9") watercolor and colored pencil painting on PastelMat, as well as enter their names in a drawing to win this composition at the end of the day. At 7 pm, I drew the name of a couple from Harrisburg, and will be shipping the finished, matted piece to them tomorrow.

The image is of the Stone House, a prominent landmark on the Manassas National Battlefield in Virginia. As part of the 150th anniversary commemoration of the Civil War era, I have undertaken my own project, which I've called the Civil War 150 Project, to depict various characters and events from each of the major battles in each year of the Civil War. Since 2011 is the 150th anniversary for the year 1861, and since the First Battle of Manassas (or Bull Run) was a significant event in that year, I chose this site to depict for this event. For reference for this piece, I used a black-and-white 1861 photograph of the house and edited out several of the people, as well as added in the color using modern photographs for reference. I hope the couple who recieves this painting will be pleased!

More Plein Air Paint-Out Reception Impressions

Dianne Lorden and the couple who purchased her pastel painting

Mary Beth Brath and Sue Gray seeming to be intensely involved in something, and my painter-friend/Artist Colony-participant Sharon Benner mugging for the camera

Cropped view of what was supposed to be the floral arrangement for the food table, but there was so much food there wasn't space!

My on-site sketch impression of the reception paintings and a few attendees.

My reception photographs proved to be very much the same as the ones Claire Carnell already posted, but I had a few that weren't repeats so I wanted to share. Once again I SO enjoyed participating in this event, and very much appreciate the efforts of Susan Gray and Mary Beth Brath to pull this together and make it a success. I  hope that we can continue this for many years to come, and if any of you want to come paint out on the Gettysburg battlefield with me this summer, please let me know! My goal is to go out and paint on the battlefield once a week for the duration of the summer, and I'd love to have company! 

ANDY SMITH, watercolors ~ Lititz, PA

"Burano, Italy"
6" x 4" Miniature Original Watercolor
A Painting A Day

I was blessed with an "award of excellence" and a
bit of cash at the Shaker Heights show this past weekend.

Plein Air Event
by Claire Beadon Carnell

Gettysburg Fringe Festival Plein Air Event

Yesterday we had the reception that concluded the
2011 Gettysburg Fringe Festival Plein Air Event.  Paintings
that the artists had done over the past ten days were
displayed at the Historic Train Station in Gettysburg, PA.
It was a great time - and very nice to meet with the public (and not
be covered in sunscreen, bug spray and paint when we
met some of them out on the battlefield while we were painting!)
It was also a terrific time to get together with all of the
participating artists and talk about our adventures out in
the field.

Thanks to everyone who made all of this possible!

Some pictures...
Guests starting to arrive...

Some of the paintings

A (rather large) imperial moth that flew
into the pavillion of the train station to view the exhibit

My painting, 'Nestled' which SOLD!

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of: