Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mountain Laurel by Mary Beth Brath

Mountain Laurel
by Daily Painter of Pennsylvania Mary Beth Brath
11x14" Acrylic on Canvas
Available at the Vancura Gallery of Fine Art
Pennsylvania is full of mountain laurel. When I vacation near Cook Forest State Park, I am in heaven while walking through the twisted branches of the laurel. This painting is part fantasy, part reality. It has a European feel although it was inspired from hiking in my own state of PA. This painting is currently available for sale at the Vancura Gallery of Fine Art in Middlefield Ohio. For more information go to


Bertie Brown said...

"Purple Mountains Majesty"!

Cecelia Lyden said...

I love the color palette in this painting and the brushwork in the sky.

Debra Kreiger said...

Yes I agree with all the above. Beautiful painting.

Julie Riker said...

Before I even read your description I was thinking "Tuscany". Maybe it is the villa with the terracotta roof that made me think so. It is a lovely painting that transports the viewer to another place.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I think some of the best paintings come from our visual experience combined with our own fantasy. This is absolutely lovely!