Sunday, April 11, 2010

Background Music (Series) by Bertie Brown

Background Music

drawing on gessoed music manuscript

original:9 1/2"w x 12 1/2"h


An exquisite mystery

That’s what I am

You may know my land

You may know my history

But you will never understand

The woman that I am...


info, click: email




Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Great idea to use music sheet as a ground. Lovely drawing too. Perfect title.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Awesome post and a beautiful work of art Bertie.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Something a bit different than what I have seen before...and I like! I think it really shows off your talent and versatility.

Pat Koscienski said...

I really, really, like this drawing/painting. Wow!! It, along with your poem, really has a lot to say.

Autumn Leaves said...

This is stunning, Bertie! I love the background music. When I gesso over things, it comes out quite opaque. How did you keep it so you could see through it?

Amy Lindenberger said...

Though I love and admire your brightly-colored florals, Bertie, this monochromatic figure study is impressive for its subtleties. You certainly have a lot of versatility!

Bertie Brown said...

Thanks....she was just a wonderful model...a rare find.
Autumn, I thinned the gesso with water and added some raw sienna to the mix to keep some of that great manuscript color..I also took the pencil over some notes to bring them 'back'....