Oil 12 x 16
My daughter lives near a goat farm, and I
love to see the goats running about in their
pasture. This friendly guy really captured my
interest - he had such a sweet, yet wise face.
Having been head-butted by a goat at the tender
age of eight, I was smart enough to remember
that experience and didn't get too close to my
subject when taking the reference photos.
If you would like to see more of my work,
please check out my website or my blog.
Thank you.
Oh, Claire, this is so well painted. Yeah, he even looks innocent, but I agree with you, they can be ornery. I don't blame you for being cautious.
Thank goodness for zoom lenses, eh Claire? I think he does indeed look wise...and quite handsome too. Beautiful painting and I am not surprised to see the "SOLD."
Good grief Claire! I never thought I could "fall" for a goat, but this guy is magnificent--what a great job!
This guy is a show stopper Claire. Congratulations.
What a face, Claire. Whether or not it's a facade, he looks huggable and friendly to me!
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