Monday, January 4, 2010

"Sentinel-I" by Tatiana Myers.

"Sentinel-I",   by Tatiana Myers 

3 x 5"  La Carte, Pastels.  Framed. 

Small pastel painting of an old tree from my favorite painting spot at abandoned park by Kinkora Pythian Home.

I did more that one painting of this very subject  - in tempera and oil pastels. 

This art work may be seeing in Art and Soul Gallery, 900 Market St., Lemoyne, PA 17043. 

For information contact Owner of Gallery, Lyn O'Neal . 
 Call 717-761-1270, or email  .

Gallery Hours 9:30-15.00 Friday & Saturday, or by Appointment.

To see more of my works, visit my web site:


Pat Koscienski said...

I really like this little gem, Tatiana. Glad it will be exhibiting at a gallery for all to enjoy.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

What a lovely painting, Tatiana! Nice to know lots of people will be enjoying it as well as all of us here on the DPP blog.

Autumn Leaves said...

Tatiana, this is so beautiful and has such a fairy tale feel to it for me. The brick retaining wall just adds so much interest to this piece. The framing adds to that fairy tale feel I mentioned.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Pat! Yes, it is a cute little work, I think people may like it.

Thank You, Claire! It is too bad I missed you demo at Art and Soul, looks like our ways are constantly crossing, but timing is always off! :-)

Autumn... you got the same feeling I have out of that place and partially I captured it in this painting too. Some days it just looking like a pretty place... but someday it feels like fairy land with some magic behind... Just like if you will wait a little bit longer you will see some little people and creatures... I love that feeling. And rocks formations are just asking to be painted.